One-line HTTP server with Python

Most of the time, loading HTML files from the filesystem (with the file://localhost/Users/... sort of path in your URL bar) works fine - remote files are pulled in, Javascript can usually be run, and things are peachy.

Every once in awhile, though, you might run into a situation for which the file:// protocol is ill-suited ā€” specifically, if/when you run into an error like this: Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.

In other words, I ran into this really cool snippet:

$ cd /home/somedir
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

ā€¦ awhile ago, and needed it a couple of minutes ago, and could barely remember it (hat tip to LinuxJournal for being easily Googleable). So Iā€™m posting it here for posterity, and to augment my clearly failing memory.

Running that command will make, by default, the index.html in /home/somedir accessible at http://localhost:8000.

Or you can pass in the preferred port (python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080) into the command line instead.

Thumbs up. Onward!

  • Also useful: tying this sort of thing to something like localtunnel, to brainlessly / painlessly broadcast something on your local machine to the interwebs.

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